Day 342, 8th December Bible Commentary With Dr Oluwatoyin Ojo From the Book of Ephesians. And Colossians.
A LIFE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT — sounds too coded! I found that it’s actually easier to understand and meet up with the requirements and be that body/vessel that is filled with the spirit, when:
• You are on your toes for the LORD! — making the most of every opportunity to do this. Then you must know the LORD’s will; to know the Lord’s Will you must know the Bible — the scriptures contain his will.
• Avoid extremes of seemingly good things — anything at all; take for example wine — drinking some wine is ok but DO NOT GET DRUNK because a good percentage of those who commit crimes and sin (sexual sins and abominations for example incest) cannot do so without getting drunk and or when under the influence of drugs.
• “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.
“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to
God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”
v.19-20. Psalms are the voice of devote servants of God anointed to serve in God’s temple in some of the earliest manifestations in gatherings. David said the highest percentage of the psalms and we know that he had God’s Spirit.
• Hymns command the attention of God. If you are devote and sing a hymn in any given situation the divine will respond. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” v.19. If you study the word and have regular quiet time you will find that songs will come to your thoughts of their own accord; they will solve problems for you. (Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns suddenly earthquake, and prison doors flew open - Acts 16:25 / November 15, Day 318). Hymns unlock doors, they also close some bad ones.
• As for thanksgiving, be deliberate; doing this at all times.
IN RELATIONSHIPS — “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” v.21 Between husband and wife let the commitment replicate the sacrificial relationship Christ established with the Church; making her radiant, without stain or wrinkle, holy and blameless. ( Read v.25-31) — you will also find cleaving as a requirement.
“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband” v.33
CHAPTER 6:1-24
v.1 — Indicates spiritual parents — overseers in the Church — there is relationship, a nurturing, mentoring, trust – therefore obey them. At the time the Apostle Paul
wrote this letter the Church was still young and leadership defined, authentic and committed to each person in the Church — The size or structure of your Church may leave gaps.
THEN YOUR BIOLOGICAL PARENTS; honour them and this guarantees
some divine promises — it will be well with you and you will enjoy long life (v.2-3, Deuteronomy 5:16).
v.4—Parents are to learn persuasive skills and relate with their children with knowledge of their stage – age group (their challenges, strengths, threats,
advantages and risks) so that they are receptive of God and the spiritual training, else training is counter productive. (v.4 The emphasis on fathers could be as head disciplinarian in the home — to connect rather than provoke).
v.5-9 — POWER RELATIONSHIPS; in the context of employment.
Christians are to serve dedicatedly bearing in mind that you are been observed by the divine - ready to reward you. Though you have an earthly employer. In the same vein employers should create the right work space even psychologically. The scale God uses for the employer, and employee is same — No Favouritism.
Here I find some of the most informative verses of the Bible — therefore look in the face of nobody to fight against them. Put on the whole armour of God (listed in v.14 — truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace,faith, salvation, the word) they are your spiritual regalia.
• On your waistline is truth — 1st point of distraction ( heresy, lies, half-truths)
• Breastplate of righteousness — your chest — two dimensional: gifted righteousness and your acts (as they speak for you as well).
• The Gospel of peace — this is your constant offer — it is a very important weapon. It can be withdrawn, to the detriment of the enemy, (IF the gospel is rejected), you don't want to be in a hurry about this.
• Your Shield of faith. Doubt is the devils biggest weapon. Never use his sheets!
• Your Salvation — be true. Remember the devil's question; "Jesus I know, and Paul I know but who are you?" Before bouncing on the sorcerers (see
Commentary November 18 day 321 / Seven son of Sceva team / Acts 19:1316)
• The Word of God — the sword of the spirit. How can a spiritual battle be fought without spiritual weapons.
Pray All Kinds Of Prayer - praying as a state of being. Develop and pray for the body of Christ, pray for your Church.
• If criticism is offered without prayers, things will only get worse. We have too many critics in the body. Let's pray more, much more than we criticise.
v.19–Paul requested prayers! I could do with some prayers too!
v.23-24—Paul closed his letter releasing peace to the brethren and special blessings for the fervent saints. v.24
As usual Paul’s letter opens with greetings, thanks, notice of prayers and commendation of their faith, love , hope (inspired by things to come - eternity), and commitment to the growing family of God in Colossae.
He reassures them of his prayers for divine wisdom and understanding. He explained the reason he is so devote to prayers is;
“so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in good work, growing in the knowledge of God” v.10. This spiritual capacity gives power to endure and act patiently.
YOU ARE QUALIFIED by the divine, to identify, partake and inherit. Haven been rescued (v.13-14)
CHRIST — Is the manifestation of the invisible God, “The firstborn overall creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him” v.15-16
He is before all things and in him all things consist (v.17)
CHRIST is — v.15-23
• (v.15-18) —the beginning of all things “head of the body—Church“ v.18
• Firstborn among the dead. v.15a,18c-d
• Through him all things on earth and in heaven are reconciled to God — this is only made possible by his blood shed on the cross. All this give him supremacy (v.19-20)
• Our minds — which was subject to sin are saved and we are free from accusation. There is a need to continue in faith to maintain a blemish free state. v.21-23
“An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked” Proverbs 29:27
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light…. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them” Ephesians 5:8,11 Your
mandate now is to bear fruits of:
• Goodness
• Righteousness
• Truth
©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo.
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