Day 8. 8th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin

Posted on 7th January, 2025

Day 8. 8th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin Taken From Genesis Chapter 25.


ISAAC'S CHILDREN (TWINS): JACOB (Israel) and Esau {which Rebekah bore). ABRAHAM DIES AT 175 YEARS OLD.




251. After Sarah's death, Abraham remarries, Keturah. And she bore him 6 (six) sons (v.2). Note that the bible refers to them as the descendants of KETURAH. (v.4). I believe that this lays emphasis on the promise and prophecy that in Isaac shall your offspring be reckoned (2112).


v.5-6. Abraham gave (willed) everything he owned (his wealth / his inheritance) to ISAAC. This is the reason concubines / other wives / side chicks try to grab/get what they can and ALL they can while the relationship is on or when the man is alive. 

Abraham gave gifts to his concubines and sent them away from his son Isaac; he sent them to the East (v.6).

v.16. Ishmael had 12 sons who became tribal rulers in their settlements and camps, (v.16,18). They possessed Havilah - Shur near the eastern borders of Egypt.


ISAAC's Family;

Abraham beget Isaac and Isaac beget TWINS [JACOB (Israel) & ESAU] at age 60 (sixty). He married Rebekah their mother at age 40 (forty), meaning, the couple had a period of 20 years, waiting upon the LORD for a child ( because Rebekah was barren). As a man what would you do in a situation like this? Or when you face challenges of life?



Isaac prayed for his wife because she was barren. ✅

Become promiscuous, marry another wife? NO ❎ 

Become hypertensive because of the lack, embarrassment, and pressures from family and perhaps friends? ❎

Became distressed and getting overdosed, getting drunk, and picking up bad habits, even harmful habits, like smoking? ❎

Have dozens of children outside of marriage because of a challenge? ❎

Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife and the LORD answered (v.21). Step up! Take on your role as the priest of your house. Live an exemplary life that your children and the world at large could emulate. 

Rebekah became pregnant and had twins (v.21,24). 

v.22. During her pregnancy the babies (twins) in her womb jostled (meaning they struggled) and she went to inquire of the Lord why, and the LORD said to her —(v.23):

" two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other and the older will serve the younger'

Rebekah had (TWINS) two boys Esau and Jacob. ESAU THE FIRST was red very hairy ( Esau meaning hairy). JACOB THE SECOND OF THE TWINS came out grasping the heel of his brother Esau. Jacob meaning the grasping of the heel. These events at birth confirm the prophecy the mother received of the Lord when she was pregnant and they struggled in her womb.


257. Esau and Jacob Isaac's children were about 15 years old when their grandad Abraham died at 175 years.


257. Isaac and Ishmael buried ABRAHAM beside his wife Sarah in the cave of Machpelah (which he purchased) near in Mamre in Canaan (v.9-10). After Abraham's death, God bless Isaac who lived near Beerlahairoi.


Note, that Ishmael was relevant during the burial of Abraham (v.9). God during his intervention which favoured Sarah Abraham first wife, mentioned Ishmael and blessed him too. Hagar his mother found herself in a family which used her, therefore God's mercies prevailed.

  • You may have an Hagar in your household or your office, please remember there is a God that has been named BEER-LA-HAI-ROI meaning the Lord that sees me. Jehovah El- Roi! Ask for forgiveness if you have misused or abused anybody. And ensure you compensate.



NIGHT: 1 Chronicles 128  

“The descendants of Abraham: Isaac and Ishmael”. 

Ponder on; The significance of your bloodline, what you do with life and who you accept into your home in whatever capacity as a Christian, and how you relate with them.

Thank God for strength of character. Amen.


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Dr. Toyin


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