The Leadership Series

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Toyin Ojo Leadership Series on Sex and Power

Posted on 29th October, 2021

I recommend you take this my free course on;


Toyin Ojo Leadership Series on Sex and Power


self-published books in eBook and Paperback:

- The 21st Century a daunting priviledge

- LEADERSHIP Business Partnering Love Life

These Book have self-help pages, which you can you as an individual or practitioners can use as bases and guide for providing counselling and advice. Grab your copy now and leave a comment on my author page 👇🏾

self-published books in eBook and Paperback:



it cuts across

  • relationships
  • Love-life
  • Professional life and career progress
  • Family life

and that's about all life truly is, the very strings that pull us together as individuals - in our truest forms of independence, to our need for association - relationship and community life ( it's health and safety ) and to the exceedingly greater sphere, we crave to belong to, and be exposed to, be recognized by and even enjoy - our world.

Link to THE NEMESIS OF RETALIATION live video on facebook 30th December 2020: THE NEMESIS OF RETALIATION live video on facebook 30th December 2020   


THE NEMESIS OF RETALIATION; continuation of the Talk on GUILTY / SHAME WHEN DIVORCING OR SEPARATED. Live talk on my ministry page on Facebook for the spiritual minds - biblical perspective ; CHRISTIAN DIVORCED DIVORCING AND SEPARATED

10th of November 2020. THE NEMESIS OF RETALIATION; continuation of the Talk on GUILTY / SHAME WHEN DIVORCING OR SEPARATED.