Day 11. 11th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin

Posted on 7th January, 2025

Day 11. 11th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin Taken From Genesis Chapter 30,31.


Experience with Jacob! Actually in both the life of Laban and Jacob, experience played out. They both had different outcomes.


Chapters 30 

  1. 3025. Jacob expressed desire to go back to his homeland. Laban persuaded him to remain with him, in this manner; “I pray thee, if I have found favour in your eyes tarry for I have learnt by experience (NIV says divination) that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake”.

This is a very humble and authentic request, howbeit, with two sides to its coin!


Jacob stayed but could not continue with singleness of purpose. Laban had changed his wages ten (10) times! It is significant that Jacob asked to go back to Canaan immediately Rebecca his true love gave birth to a son (Joseph). It appears he accepted marrying his two daughters because he had no choice; did not have anywhere to go, he had fled from home. He did not retaliate; and this made him recognised and he gained Laban’s respect. Through the difficult process, he learnt patience and perseverance.




Laban asked how much his wage would be (in modern times, he is saying; be the consultant in charge/ be the Vet in charge, and, what will the cost for your services be?).

Do you ask for peoples efforts, contributions, and knowhow for free? Giving no endorsement, recognition, or any tangible appreciation? Jacob had suffered several years of abuse, and manipulation; he was already wounded pained and aggrieved. 


Laban learnt the costly way, he had been the one deciding the wage [ salary and fees and rewards required as the case may be in organisations or businesses today ]. Jacob chose to be rewarded with speckled or spotted or dark-coloured of the flock and with experience he manipulated that and the stronger and bigger of the flock all became streaked or speckled or spotted! v.43. 

He increased exceedingly and he had much cattle and maidservants and menservants,  camels and asses. This is a show of greater experience. We must remember that God was with Jacob ( 2815) and he was receptive enough to have established his own covenant with the divine - the God of Bethel whom he experienced and encountered (2819, 20-22). 

Please establish a covenant with God today.


LABAN's attitude changed; 302. Laban's son's complained (301), nursing animosity against Jacob. Jacob heard them and fled as God spoke to him (v.3). He took his wives, and told them his dream during the breeding season (3010-13) where the Lord appeared to him (3110). His wives agreed to go with him as they felt used by the father they said 'do whatever God has told you'.3114-16. Here in the family, we see collaboration, empathy, heart to heart talk, Joseph's openness and recognition of his wives reciprocated with willingness). 


Rachel takes the gods! as deflate Jacob did not tell Laban he was living with his entire household and possessions: wives (his daughters) and all he had acquired. Laban must have taught he went to the fields, he was only informed on the third day after the departure.



God then appeared to Lebanon in a dream saying "be careful not to say anything to Jacob either good or bad". After seven days, Laban caught up with Jacob, he said; you want to go to your fathers but you took my God ! and why have you taken my daughters like captives and have not allowed me kiss my daughters and say goodbye. I could have had a send-forth party for you, what's the point going to your fathers with strange gods stolen. In anger Jacob recounted his suffering, " what is my sin (3136), you have now searched my stuff (I think that is a wicked thing to do and a very painful experience to go through!), and found nothing. I served you for 20 years 14 for your two daughters and six years for your cattle (v.38,41) but for God you planned to hurt me and send me away empty (v.42).



LABAN made a covenant with Jacob so that he would not maltreat his daughters or marry other women.

Laban and Jacob mounted a pillar of witness which, he called Jegar-sahadutha ( Aramaic meaning witness heap )  Jacob also called it Galeed and Mizpah (Galeed witness heap in Hebrew and Mizpah - meaning watchtower). Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters goodbye, blessed them and returned home.


FOR REFLECTION; compare the relationship of Abraham & Lot, with that of Laban & Jacob.  

Do you see joy, mutual respect, kindness, authenticity, submission/endurance/ perseverance , obedience, genuineness, greed?


NIGHT: Ponder on these virtues HUMILITY AND PATIENCE  

I can tell you that it’s not always alright but wait for the autumn and spring rains.

“Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged.” James 59 

“Be like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of self-ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interest of the others.” Philippians 22-4 


© 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Dr. Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo.



Dr. Toyin


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