Day 15. 15th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin Taken From Genesis
GENESIS CHAPTERS 401-23, 3528-29, 411-57
The Chiefs joined Joseph in custody because they had offended the King pharaoh, the king of Egypt whom they served directly. They were assigned to Joseph.
v.5. After some time Joseph went for his round check and observed they were dejected. He asked why and they told him they had both had dreams that night but do not know the meaning and are troubled.
v.8. Joseph answered “Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me your dreams”.
THE CHIEF CUPBEARER'S DREAM. v.9-11 “In my dream I saw a vine ..... and on the vine were 3 branches ......(v.11) Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand ....... I took the grapes squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup and put the cup in his hand”.
v.12. Joseph’s interpretation "the 3 branches are 3 days, within 3 days Pharaoh will lift up your head & restore you to your position ... as you used to ....”
A PLEA FOR KINDNESS: (v.14). Joseph made a plea to be remembered saying “When it goes well, I pray, make mention of me to Pharaoh”. I am not a dungeon candidate, this is not my destiny!
v.16. THE FAVOURABLE MEANING RECEIVED motivated the chief baker to ask Joseph for interpretation but his was negative; he had seen birds eating all kinds of baked goods in 3 baskets on his head.
v.20. KING PHARAOH’S BIRTHDAY. The 3rd day was King Pharaoh’s birthday. He invited his officials and he invited the chief cupbearer and the chief baker also. The chief cupbearer was restored back to his position {(v.21) Just as Joseph had Interpreted} but the chief baker was hanged! (v.22). Just as Joseph had interpreted. Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph!
GENESIS 3528-29 ESAU AND JACOB ISSAC’S SONS buried him as he breath his
last at 108 years. (The One Year Chronological Bible p.56)
41:1-8. King Pharoah had dreams all the magicians and wisemen could not interpret. (v.9). then the chief cupbearer remembered Joseph and recommended him to Pharaoh.
v.14-16. The king of Egypt; King pharaoh invited Joseph for this reason, who again magnified God saying “It is not in me, but God will give Pharoah the answer he desires”.
“ The two dreams are same you have dreamt twice because the matter has been firmly decided by God and God will do it soon the seven good cows are seven years and the seven good heads of grains seven years. The seven ugly cows afterwards are seven years and the seven empty heads of grain scorched by the east wind are seven years of famine. v.25-32
v.33. JOSEPH'S RECOMMENDATION: choose a discrete and Wiseman and put him in charge, Appoint officers and they should now begin to collect and store up food against the years of famine.
v.37. PHAROAH APPROVES THE PLAN AND APPOINTS JOSEPH RULER OVER ALL EGYPT. Joseph became the second in command of the country at the age of 30.
- The king gave Joseph his signet ring and said without your word no one will lift a hand or a foot in all Egypt (v.44)
- He gave Joseph the name Zaphenath Paneah which is an honour.
- He gave him a wife; Asenath the daughter of Potiphera, Priest of On.
Joseph executive the plan perfectly and all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph.
A theoretical question; Do you think the Chief cupbearer's dream would have come to pass without the interpretation?
What could the chief butler have done to avert his evil dream? If you consider accurate interpretation of dreams an advantage.
Does the saying out of sight is out of mind true of the chief cupbearer's action? I think added to that he did not have good respect for Joseph. Do you agree, If so why?
Clearly, the accurate Interpretation of the King Pharaoh's dream was important added to that was the willingness of Joseph to consult; making recommendations and advising the King. The King was open and very receptive, please note that he did not try to hide what Joseph did, and he honoured him.
- This marks the real origin of the Pit to Palace story.
“Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, but without your word no one will lift hand or foot in all Egypt” Genesis 4144
May we always remember that it took a journey from the pit to the palace for Joseph to earn authority. Realising his dream.
Faith does much! Double mindedness robs us of life. (see James 18-9)
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 111 Rejoice!
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Dr. Toyin
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