Day 52. 21st February Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin

Posted on 16th February, 2025

Day 52. 21st February Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin Taken From The Book Of Leviticus.



CHAPTER 1433-57  

This chapter continues stating the LORD’S commandments and guidelines; Now of when MOLD appears in any of the houses, on walls, and or any part of the house in the Land of Canaan that He promised to the Israelites, and which they are on their way journeying to. 

The LORD commanded Moses and Aaron that the Priest must inspect the house that appears to be contaminated to determine if it could be treated or renovated or has to be demolished. If plastering is sufficient and mold does not persist, the Priest will sanctify the house according to the law of the LORD. 

In modern civilization, this role is that of Surveyors and property managers. 

The KJV describes spreading and reoccurring mold as leprosy (v.44). It is interesting to read that the LORD takes responsibility to have put the mold in the house (1434C). 

“When ye come into the Land of Canaan, which I give you for a possession, and I PUT THE PLAGUE OF LEPROSY IN A HOUSE OF THE LAND OF YOUR POSSESSION” 1434

I have pondered on this bible passage in Leviticus several times awed by God and his ways, and the scripture that comes to mind is; 

Colossians 117: “And he is before ALL things and BY HIM ALL THINGS CONSIST”. 

God Takes Responsibility.  And Leadership Is Responsibility; even to know, inform, and plan. 



BODILY DISCHARGE (v.1-10,12). 

The LORD commands the need for purification - ceremonial cleansing for persons with unusual discharge from his body. And any bed, persons, and things he touches become unclean.  Persons who come into contact with the items he has touched or himself become contaminated until the evening. (v.11). 

It is expected that such a person would heal after a while. And should commence his ceremonial cleansing, 7 (seven) days after ...(v.13); On the eighth day approach the Priest who makes atonement for him (v.15). 



v.16-18. Emission of Semen & Sexual Regulations: The LORD states that semen makes individuals and clothing unclean until evening. Coitus makes the man and woman unclean until the evening and requires clean-up. 


v.19-30. MENSTRUAL PERIOD:- During her flow a woman remains unclean for 7 (seven) days. Her bed and clothing must be washed. The man who has coitus with her is unclean as well for (7) seven days too. She must bring an offering to the priest for her atonement before the Lord. 

These are mandatory for the  Israelites otherwise they would die. 

Men move around freely now and in fact, women go to church during their menstrual period without any consequence. 



After the death of Aaron’s sons who offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, He commanded that Aaron must not come into the Most Holy Place or he will die (v.2).


Moses told Aaron this and the OFFERINGS  required for the atonement for himself, his household, and all the congregation (v.17). He shall also make atonement for the Most Holy place and the Tent of Meeting because of the uncleanliness and rebellion of the children of Israel (v.16-18). 

— Aaron haven cast lots for two goats, is to sacrifice the goat whose lot falls to the LORD (v.9) and on the scapegoat lay both of his hands; CONFESS SINS, WICKEDNESS, REBELLION (v.21). “And the goat will carry on itself all their sins to a remote place and the man shall release it in the wilderness” (v.22). Then Aaron continues the steps which he must perform to complete making atonement for the cleansing (v.24-28). 

This is a lasting ordinance; yearly (v.29-34). This was done according to the words of the LORD. 

All this has been replaced by the Blood of JESUS once and for all; a more lasting ordinance; A Covenant really. 



In today's study, the saying CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS is so plain! From skin to fabric to the very houses to be inhabited, the LORD sets the standard. 




Ponder/Pray:  Psalm 10216 “When the Lord shall build up ……………..(put your name here!), he/she shall appear in his/her glory.”  


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Dr. Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo




Dr. Toyin

Day 52. 21st February Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin Taken From The Book Of Numbers And Leviticus.


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Dr. Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo




Dr. Toyin

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