Day 53. 22nd February Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin

Posted on 16th February, 2025

Day 53. 22nd February Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin Taken From The Book Of Numbers And Leviticus.


In today's chapters we find God correcting, and setting dos and don'ts for His people; which as bible believing and practicing Christians we ought live by.




STOP SACRIFICING IN OPEN FIELD  or you will be cut off from the people (v.4,8-9). These are the words the LORD spake to Moses; “speak unto Aaron, unto his sons and unto all the children of Israel, and say unto them; this is the thing which the LORD COMMANDED saying” v.1-2 — bring your sacrifices (Ox, Lamb, or Goat) to the door of the tabernacle of congregation as an offering to the Lord stop sacrificing to devils in the open field (v.5,7) from now onto the generations to come (v.7c). 


The Lord forbids the eating of blood saying “I will set my face against any Israelite who eats the blood and I will cut them off from my people”(v.10). 

Eating an animal found dead or torn by a beast renders an individual ceremonially unclean until the evening. He/she must wash their clothes and bathe or they bear the iniquity (v.16). 

Here, we see God control spiritual things by introducing order in the camp, shaping focus back to himself. We now know from this passage that two kingdoms exist; people were sacrificing to devils instead of God. And God corrects them. Like God, as Christians, we should not slander sinners but seek to correct them through our lifestyle; through the choices we make.  

It is the blood of Christ that atones for our sins now.

And but for Covid-19 restrictions in the year 2020-2021, ideally, Christians congregate in church and camps for retreat. 



DON’T FOLLOW THEIR PRACTICE:-  it is alarming that sexual perversion is as old as the recorded history of mankind. In this chapter the LORD forbid the Israelites from emulating Egyptians (that is what they have seen in their past) and to not do as they do in the land of Canaan where they are about to inherit (their future - what they are about to see people do) this warning is important because what we see we tend to copy. Therefore, urging the people He said “keep my decrees and laws, for the person who obeys them, will live by them” (v.5). This sentence is a divine order, you set very specific laws in order when you obey God, it is the law of abundant living (SPIRIT SOUL BODY —  ALL-ROUND SUCCESS). 

  • Living on the altar of God's Word is living through its forces: the covenants, precepts, order, power, laws, instructions, advises, promises, principles and the host of God. It's the best root for living.

The LORD gave full details of forbidden sexual relations. And it is, therefore, an abomination for a man to have sexual relations with: a close relative, his mother, father’s wife, sister, half-sister, son’s daughter, daughter’s daughter, daughter of your father’s wife, your father’s sister, your mother’s sister, father’s brother’s wife, daughter-in-law, your brother’s wife, both a woman and her daughter / her son’s daughter / her daughter’s daughter ALL of these are dishonoring and wickedness (v.6-17). 

More of the laws on sexual perversion: v.18-29. 


  • Do not marry two sisters as rivals,.. (v.18).
  • Do not have coitus with a woman during her monthly period. (v.19).
  • Do not have sexual relations with your neighbour’s wife (v.20). Get rid of lust, control your eyes, know your limits pronounced by God.
  • Do not sacrifice your child to MOLEK thereby profane the name of your God. I am the LORD (v.21). God speaks against the abominable worship involving child sacrifice, it is also significant that he included idolatry here among sexual perversion because worship involves emotions. You cannot worship what you do not admire and adore.
  • Thou shall not have same-sex intercourse / SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH MANKIND AS WITH WOMANKIND. It is an abomination (v.22).
  • Do not have sexual relations with an animal (v.23). A woman must not present herself to an animal for sexual relations, it is perversion.

DO NOT DEFILE YOURSELVES IN ANY OF THESE WAYS BECAUSE THIS IS HOW THE NATIONS THAT I AM GOING TO DRIVE OUT BEFORE YOU BECAME DEFILED (v.24). Even the land was defiled ... (v.25). v.29. For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations -- even the soul that commit them shall be cut off from the Israelites.

  • Many would say o some of those are acceptable in our society, saying "we all do it". But the truth is no matter how popular a type of sin is it could never change the fact that it is sin.

v.30. Keep my requirements and do not follow any of the detestable customs ... I am the LORD your God. 





The command for holiness here starts with a reason to be and that is imitating the personality of God. His character, His nature, His state, and then God gives a list of how we could become Holy this include:- 

—Respect your father and your mother 

—observe the sabbath day 

—detest adultery 

—detest idolatry 

—honour the laws of fellowship offerings, 

—harvesting kindly (v.9-10), 

—do not steal, 

—do not lie, 

do not deceive one another (v.11) 

—please learn all of these laws ... v.12-36. You may think of how these laws affect our societies and individual families. For example; v.15. Do not pervert justice  v.16 Do not slander or be a talebearer 

v.18 Do not avenge or bear a grudge but LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOURS AS YOURSELF. 

Sadly, we can see that all of these abominations are very common in communities today, and any attempt to preach against such arts subjects the Christians / preachers to severe persecution. We must develop courage, at least the courage to live differently, being the salt of the Earth. if only leaders, public leaders could preach righteousness. 

v.26. Do not eat any meat with blood still in it, do not practice divination or seek omens. 

v.27-28. Laws for decent hair cut, and the laws against tattoos. The are several arguments for and against hairstyles and tattoos. The big question is acceptance after confession and repentance but these tattoos for example are permanent. I believe that we should not discourage unbelievers from repentance but encourage them as all of human bodies will rot.  

v.29. Do not degrade your daughter by making her a prostitute.  (it is lack of contentment that leads to this act of wickedness. We most discourage this in our society. v.30. Observe the sabbath and reverence my sanctuary.  

v.31. Do you not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists for you will be defiled by them. 

v.32. Stand up in the presence of the aged showing respect for the elderly, honouring them, and fear God. This is an interesting practice in the UK; you see young people getting up for the elderly to seat, that is honour. 

v.33. Treat foreigners well, do not mistreat them. 

v.34. Treat foreigners as native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. 

v.35. Do not use dishonest standards, scales, be honest in your dealings with other people. 

Living by these precepts is our challenge in the 21st century, If we could then God will be lifted high!. Seeing our societies are preoccupied with these sins. 



Ponder/Pray: Psalm 11911   

  "Thy word have I hid in my heart that  I might not sin against


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Dr. Toyin

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