Day 210. 29th July Commentary

Posted on 24th July, 2024

Day 210. 29th July Commentary With Dr Toyin Ojo Taken From The Book Of Isaiah Chapter 63-66, 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles And Jeremiah. 



2 KINGS 211-26, 2 CHRONICLES 331-25


Sadly Manasseh the son of late king Hezekiah who succeeded him did not follow in his father’s footsteps — He was an extremist.  He did evil, served idols, practiced witch craft, consulted mediums and spiritists, raised altars, caved Asherah poles placed them in the temple of the most high God, sacrificed his sons in the fire, and shed innocent blood.

The Bible states that “he has done more evil than the Amorites - the nations the LORD destroyed before the Israelites” (2Kgs 21:11, 2 Chro 33:9).



Though the LORD spoke through his prophets who lived in the land with him at the time he would not yield.

Therefore the LORD stirred up the king of Assyria against him;

“He was taken captive bound in shackles with hooks in his nose to Babylon” (v.11).

Then he humbled himself repented and was returned from Babylon back to Jerusalem. From then on he saved the LORD wholeheartedly.


Manasseh Died & His Son AMON reigned in his stead ( 2 Kgs 21:18, 2 Chro 33:20 ).


Amon Served Idols — He was only 22 years when he began to rule.  He was assassinated after two years of his reign.  The people killed the conspirators and JOSIAH his son succeeded him as king in Judah (v.20).


2 KINGS 221-2, 2 CHRONICLES 341-7


Josiah sought God though he was young (age 8). When he became king in Judah—He studied the laws of the LORD and followed in the steps of his ancestor—King David.

He tore down ALL altars but the LORD’s, putting an end to all forms of idolatry.




Jeremiah chapter 1 records the call, start — early days of prophet Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry.

v.5 “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set to apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

He was fearful , trembling at his call and assignment he gave excuses

·      EXCUSE number 1; “I don’t know how to speak”. v.6c

·      EXCUSE number 2; “I am too young”. v.6d

The LORD corrected him and strengthened him — Touched his mouth; as he began to show him visions and made covenant promises with him;

“Do not say I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the LORD.

They will fight against you but you will overcome. I am with you and will rescue you.” v.7-8,19.




Yes it is a case between the LORD, and the people.

But unlike the circular courts an invisible host is involved. It’s the Almighty God against the people his voice is heard through his prophet Jeremiah who speaks to their hearing. Once spoken and heard it becomes the case!

·      His CHOSEN people who set off in their youth to serve Him; the true God have done the unbelievable—gone into idolatry.

“Has a nation ever changed its gods❓

(Yet they are not gods at all.)

But my people have exchanged dear Gloria is God

for  worthless idols.

My people have committed two sins;

they have forsaken me,

the spring of living water,

and have dug their own cristerns,

broken cristerns cannot hold water.” v.11&13.


Backsliding And It’s Consequences declared by the Sovereign LORD  (v.22).



Put Jeremiah 211&13, into the context of the nation were you live or that you have burden for:

“Has a nation ever changed its gods❓

(Yet they are not gods at all.)

But my people have exchanged dear Gloria is God

for  worthless idols.

My people have committed two sins;

they have forsaken me,

the spring of living water,

and have dug their own cristerns,

broken cristerns cannot hold water.” v.11&13.

What are the spiritual / social vices that has hindered the free flow of the gospel.

·      Make a commitment to lead life above all those vices in honour of the LORD Almighty - SHADDAI.

·      The lie of the enemy is to tell you ; you can’t make any difference, you don’t count. That’s a lie, you count!!!


Since little little foxes spoil the vine, so do the fruits of the spirit that you bear following the LORD God wholeheartedly.


©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo






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