Day 211. 30th July Commentary

Posted on 24th July, 2024

Day 211. 30th July Commentary With Dr Toyin Ojo Taken From The Book Of Jeremiah Chapter 2-5.



Between Israel and the LORD God is a marriage relationship — And that’s how God wants us to understand our togetherness with him.  God Almighty is also a father — but if a father why go to Baal❓


CHAPTER 2:23-37

An unfaithful bride—Israel—continues one leg in one leg out belongingness to God.  Always delighting in idolatry.

All the people, their leaders and officials, the pastors, priests and the prophets alike.  Are so neck deep in sin the LORD God could not find essence in punishing/correcting their sins.

“In vain I punished your people;

they did not respond to correction.

Your sword has devoured your prophets

like a ravenous lion.” v.30.

The people in fact punish preachers and prophets, and claim innocence (Read v.30,35).

Learn to love (v.33).



GOD AGAIN IS COMPELLING the people to return and be faithful; and stop the lip service.

[‘Have you not just called me :

“My father, my friend from my youth,

will you always be angry?

Will your wrath continue forever?”

This is how you talk,

but you do all the evil you can.’ (v.4-5)].



Judah played the copycat — they copied the negative acts of Israel which the LORD God describes as adultery which has led to divorce;

“ In spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to me with all her heart, but only in pretence, declares the Lord. The Lord said to me faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah”. (v.10-11).  In this context IDOLATRY EQUALS ADULTERY.



Come — Repent the LORD proclaimed through his prophet Jeremiah (v.12).

Changes to the style of worship and divine manifestation among the living:-

The ark of the Covenant to be scrapped (Read v.16).

Both Judah and Jerusalem and as a matter of fact ALL NATIONS will fellowship together in Jerusalem and they will confess their sins in repentance.

Read 3:17&25.

The changes prophesied are progressing.


CHAPTER 4:1-31

INVOKING BLESSINGS:- Yes now any nation, anyone can bless in the name of the LORD!  And the terms are pretty easy

“and if in truth, just and righteous way

you swear, as surely as the LORD lives,

then the nations will invoke blessings by him

and in him they will boast”. (v.2).



The prophet was shocked (v.10,19-22).  Then the LORD explained the peace he proclaimed was true but their lack of repentance aroused the LORD’s anger:

“Your own conducts and actions

have brought this on you.

This is your punishment.

How bitter it is!

Explain how it pierces to the heart!” (v.18).


And Jeremiah beheld the ruins in a vision and the LORD spoke confirming the visions (v.23-31).


CHAPTER 5:1-18


Sadly the people have been perfect in unrighteousness and delight in unfaithfulness.


They disbelieve prophesies (Read v.13).  They are soo disbelieving of the prophet Jeremiah therefore, the LORD God empowered his prophet saying

“ I will make my word in your mouth fire

and these people the wood it consumes” v.14.


God will also raise distant nations against the rebellious people;

“As you have forsaken me and served foreign gods in your own land, so now you will serve foreigners in a land not your own”. (v.19).

We don’t want this kind of end —Let’s Arise and Shine instead; and proclaim the righteousness of the LORD.



God Is A Father And A Friend; A True Friend!

“My Father, my friend from my youth” Jeremiah 3:4

Why don’t you ask him for whatever you are looking for and stop looking and doing all kinds of wickedness to get what you want and attain heights in life; let him bring them to you! Matthew 7:11;

“If ye then been evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”


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