Day 254. 11th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin Ojo Taken From The Book Of Haggai, Zechariah, And Ezra.
HAGGAI 1:1-9
The LORD through his prophet Haggai spoke strength to the leaders Zerubbabel, the governor and Joshua the priest and all the remnant of Israel so they are able to build the new temple. The LORD will uphold the ancient covenant as it was established when they came out of Egypt , therefore they should be strong & work.
(See v.4-9 and extracts below);
· The spirit of the LORD is with you, therefore have no fear. “My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear” v.5 . It must be embarrassing to God how many believers are more aware of demonic forces and tremble rather than rejoice for his Spirit amongst us!
· The LORD will shake the heaven and the earth and all nations and fill the house with glory.
· He declared “ the silver is mine and the gold is mine. The glory of this present house will be greater than the former house,… in this place I will grant peace…”
The LORD calls for repentance:
“return to me” and “I will return to you turn to you.. turn from your wicked ways” v.3 & 4
HAGGAI 2:10-19
God will bless his people for obedience: FOR LAYING THE FOUNDATION OF THE TEMPLE.
EZRA 5:2
The leaders Zerubbabel and Joshua are set to build the temple, the prophets are in one accord with them.
HAGGAI 2:20-23
God will overthrow thrones and kingdoms but will make Zerubbabel his chosen like his signet ring.
God’s love, grace, mercy, compassion distinguishes a person beyond what they could personally achieve or ever have the power to do for themselves.
In a vision the prophet Zachariah related with angels.
He saw a man on a red horse in the mist of a ravine and red, brown and white horses behind him (see v.8)
And asked what they were - They have been set by the LORD the Angel explained, and have found the world ‘at rest and in peace’ v.11.
The angel then asked for mercy for Jerusalem because the LORD has withheld his mercy from her for 70 years.
The LORD answered favourably — The LORD will be kind and give comfort to his people. The LORD is very jealous for Jerusalem and Judah. Though he was a little angry the enemy has punished them beyond measure. And this was proclaimed (Read the proclamation and message v.14-17).
“My town will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort zone and choose Jerusalem” v.17.
The four horns that scattered Jerusalem, Israel, and Judah revealed by the angel and the four craftsmen to undo their evil are now present (read v.21.)
The LORD will bless Jerusalem again and fill it with his glory. It will grow and be protected
“ The Lord will build a wall of fire around it” v.5.
The fire referred is in visible - but controls the affairs of mankind. That's why as believers it is correct to pray the fire of God.
YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYES (v.8) — The LORD expressed his love for his people in this words. As he calls the remaining exiles to return.
“Come, Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon! ….. Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming and I will live among you” (extracts from v.7&10).
The LORD rebukes Satan for Joshua’s sake.
As the prophet Zechariah’s vision continues the high priest Joshua was dressed in a filthy garment in the vision and, those there were instructed to take off the filthy garments off him; and the angel informed him his sins were forgiven and taken away. Then he was clothed with fine garments and a clean turban was placed on his head (v.5).
Joshua was charged to obey the LORD. Himself and his associates are a sign of things to come.
“ … I am going to bring my servant, the Branch. See, The stone I have set in front of Joshua! There are seven eyes on that one stone and I will engrave an inscription on it says the Lord almighty and I will remove the scene of this land in a single day” v.8-9
The prophet saw a lampstand and two olive trees (v.2-3,11). They are symbolic (see v.6-10,14). The seven are the eyes of the LORD (v.10). The two olive branches are the anointed two that serve the LORD (v.14)
The angel spoke: “ Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the LORD Almighty. What are you mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!” v.6-7.
The hands Zachariah started the building of the house of the Lord therefore his hands will complete it. There will be no hindrances (v.6-8).
A symbolic flying scroll revealed — it’s carries a curse to punish thieves and those who swear falsely by the name of the LORD Almighty.
The angel again drew the attention of the prophet Zachariah to two baskets (v.6) and, alas! he reviewed the content been a woman in it (v.7)— it is wickedness which is going to Babylon (v.8).
Note that the angel in the visions kept asking the prophet what do you see — it is an act of sense-giving (Zechariah 4:2,5:2,5:5).
He was transferring understanding, creating rapport and participation (Zechariah 3:4,3:9,4:1, 5:2,5:5)
It may be that you do not see visions but wish for the prophetic ministry so that like the prophets Zechariah, Haggai, Ezekiel, Elijah, Jeremiah you see and interpret visions you can pray and ask God for the gift and you must be willing to study the word of the Almighty God, and talk-less. Read Jeremiah 33:3.
I at this time have come to a place where the LORD God is gracious to show me things and I am asking for understanding, and the gift of interpretation. We can grow. Like me, I will ask that you should not be in a hurry.
©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo
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