Day 262. 19th September Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin Ojo Taken From The Book Of Nehemiah.
This provides the genealogical records of families that returned to Babylon. This was found as Nehemiah had been prompted by the LORD to register the people.
· It was noted that they had no priests who was ministering with the Urim and Thummin. Some enquiries with the divine were therefore not possible (v.64)
· As a result of the above; details of a priest who had intermarried could not to enquired, it was concluded they are unclean, and could no longer officiate as priest (Read the decision v.64).
· They were 42,360 in all, with 7,337 staff ( slaves ), 24 female and male musicians, thousands of donkeys and hundreds of livestock.
· The generous giving of the people was also in the records (v.70-72).
AT THE WATER GATE — The people gathered and expressed desire for the law of God -and the book of the law of Moses written as the LORD commanded him was brought. And Ezra the teacher of the law read it to them — there they had a retreat. (Read v.2-3, 3).
Great respect was shown to the LORD — the people stood up when they saw Ezra open the book - whereas many 21st Century Believers use the Bible for a pillow. (Read v.5-6).
The people became emotional as the word was read, and interpreted and the leaders encouraged them
· The joy of the LORD is your strength (v.10)
· Eat and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks.
· Give some to those who don’t have
· Be still; this day is holy, do not grieve (v.11).
Then the people jubilated (v.12).
There is no generation so vulnerable as ours!
Like Nehemiah I say “The joy of the LORD is your strength” Neh 8:10.
CHAPTER 8:13-18
Heads of families, priests and Levites congregated to be lectured by Ezra on the Laws Of The LORD given through Moses often referred to as the LAWS OF MOSES. They found laws they have neglected;
· TEMPORARY SHELTERS: They found the laws commanding them to stay in tents while celebrating the Festival Of The Seventh Month (v.14). (see February 23 for details of the appointed Festivals).
Therefore, they took action, sought olive branches and built temporary tents. This commandment was last honoured during the time of Joshua who led the people after the taking to glory of Moses.
They celebrated, and during each of the 7 days of the festival EZRA taught the whole assembly from the book of the law of God.
“ …… and on the eighth day, in accordance with the regulation, there was an assembly.” v.18.
CHAPTER 9:1-38
In sackcloth, fasting with dust on their heads the people repented confessing their sins. Separating themselves as a people. Their schedule was a fourth of the day - Reading from the book of God. And another fourth confessing and in worship. v.3.
On their feet the Levites led them in praise worship.
“‘Stand up and praise the LORD your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.’ “ Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” (extracts from v.5-6).
As they progressed they recounted the faithfulness of God since the time of Abram, to the defeat of the oppressor Pharaoh in Egypt. The signs and wonders — the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground, the pillar of cloud and fire (v.12). To God showing up at Mount Sinai, the manna provided, the water from the rock and his sworn oath to give the Promised Land fulfilled.
Yet, together with their ancestors they have been stiffed-necked.
Forgetting rather than remembering the miracles and God’s presence —
“…. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Even when they cast for themselves an image of a calf and said this is your god, …, or when they committed awful blasphemies.” (v.17-18).
v.22-38 — Here they continue to recount God’s faithfulness and steadfast love, how they subdued their enemies through the hand of God; their disobedience (v.26-27) which you forgave as they cried, time and time again—
“But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God.” v.31.
In prayer they made a petition and an oath justifying God they said our leaders had safety, wealth, and affluence in their land which you gave them, yet they rebelled—dishonouring your commands. Now we are slaves in our own land!.
And they set to make binding agreement to obey divine commands in presence of their leaders, Levites and Priests.
NEHEMIAH 10:1-39
And the leaders present include Nehemiah, the governor, priests and the Levites (see their full list by name and how they organised themselves from v.1-29).
And the agreement was made.
Find details of the vows made in v.30-39; extracts;
· Not to intermarry with unbelievers
· Not to trade on Sabbath days (v.31a-d). To cancel debts in the 7th year as stipulated in the law of God (v.31e-f).
· Give for the upkeep of the Church (v.32-33).
· The Priests made their vows too. v.34.
· v.35-39 — Vows to give to the House Of The LORD for upkeep — the first fruits, first borns, tithes, and contributions. ( Note that all ministers are well provided for in the oath - that is the essence of the giving - not for the ‘set man’ ).
Do you go for retreats❓ And what about the tradition of staying in tents❓ Nehemiah 8:16.ß
©️ 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Dr. Toyin Ojo
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