Day 291. 18th October Bible Commentary

Posted on 18th October, 2024

Day 291. 18th October Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of John And Luke.


JOHN 101-42   

There Is Only One Shepherd – GOOD SHEPHERD –   

And that is Jesus Christ because he laid down his life. NO OTHER SHEPHERD can!   

I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.  The reason my Father loves me is that

I lay down my life only to take it up again.” v.11&17.   



the title “Shepherd” or any other clergymen you know or relate with, always place them under Christ in your mind – your thinking – your act – so that your adoration is through the lens of Christ.  The best of clerics are hired handsv.12 . (Read v.12-13).   

Many Christians shy away from this level of understanding (Truth), because they do not want to offend, but, end up getting offended/disappointed so much so they begin to struggle with faith.   

  • Note that the life of Christ wasn’t forcefully taken but planned by the Father (Read v.18).

The Jews remained divided in their opinion of him. (v.19-21). Some liked him and others hated him – that is what you will also have in life – but don’t struggle with your haters.   


ARE YOU THE MESSIAH? THE JEWS ASKED (v.24)Why ask the   same questions? – They surely intended to provoke Jesus with their itching ears;  because Jesus already told them so. Below are some keynotes of the discussion;   

  • They ignore his miracles, or ask for more❗️
  • Jesus classed them out of his fold as he declares “You are not my sheep”

v.26. Then they picked up stones and would actually stone Jesus. (v.31).   

  • Jesus asked them why❔ And said “I have shown you many good works from the father. For which of these do you stone me?” v.32. Then they claimed he blasphemed.
  • But Jesus justified his being as "God's son" (v.36), proven by his works (v.37-38). “.. if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in the Father” v.38.



  • In conclusion, Jesus’ Sheep would believe (v.27). That is would; listen and follow his precepts. However, if you have problem believing wholeheartedly, you can pray and ask God to help your unbelief (See October 13, Day 286. Mark 9:24). Also, if you have trouble in ministry – for example, resistance you can also ask God to help the hearts of those you encounter and preach to; that the gospel of Christ may have its free course and believers be blessed through your ministry.   
  • THE SHEEP ENJOY ETERNAL SALVATION IN CHRIST – through Christ in the Father. They have come into God’s hands.
  • There will be attempts to snatch, even the saved from God’s hands. But he is greater than any force or network therefore their attempt will fail. v.25.
  • A given truth – Jesus declares “I and the Father are one.” v.30.
  • 34,35 – Jesus states that each believer in God is a “god” as it is, He quotes from Psalm 118:26. That is a relationship; thus, his form of oneness with the Father is of a greater wholeness and manifestation, and; should be understood.
  • Christ is God’s Son (v.36). His works are proven, approved, and given of the Father. v.37.
  • Faith/Salvation could come through what is heard or signs believed (v.38). That is why Clergies perceiving the hardness of people’s hearts tried to generate miracles (fake signs/fake healings). This strategy can never be considered right by God though.   


(v.40-42) - Yet in the very hostile environment the Jews had Jesus, he continued and many believed as he went across the Jordan where John the Baptist started his ministry of baptism. Move if the hostility is too much.    


LUKE 1322-30

JESUS TEACH ON  ETERNAL REUNION - You may never have stepped a class or graduated from a college, yet in Christ, you have fellows and you are entitled to Fellowship - but now as then the path is narrow “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you will try to enter and will not be able to” v.24.    

Those who have denied Christ would also be denied and they would behold Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets whom they have read of and admired with believers in the Kingdom from outside.   


THREAT TO LIFE – As news came through some Pharisees, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Harold wants to kill you.” v.31 They informed him.   

He replied he must press on with his work – “for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!” v.33   


He laments over their unwillingness and its consequences upon them.    

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets … how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, …. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' ” (v.34-35 extracts).   


LUKE 141-6   


At the Pharisees for dinner; there Jesus saw and healed a man who suffered Dropsy – But because at this time he was closely monitored he asked the Pharisees and the experts in the law who were present “is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day or not?”  


Knowing they would in fact save their child, even an ox that falls into the well on a sabbath, as Jesus analysed these to them they were quiet.   


LUKE 147-14   

A GUIDE TO HUMILITY - from the teaching of Jesus illustrated in Social context.    

Apply the principle to various aspects of life. Organizing party giving and receiving of gifts.   

  • For hypocrites among friends and siblings, even in the church use the same principles taught in this passage.

If you have received a gift and the giver would use it as a trap or bondage that is a worldly and demonic strategy. It is wise to give something back or something of equal value back, as soon as you can. It is the place you take counsel from -Christ- that breaks such yokes – It is the source that separates wisdom from wisdom and power from power.   


LUKE 1415-24   


At The Table With Jesus, a man would bless God saying “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the Kingdom of God.” v.15.   

But Jesus replied him, to make it clear that those invited into the Kingdom refused the banquet therefore the poor, crippled, blind and lame enjoy God’s feasts - (presence, promises, and blessings), even in eternity.   

This is why it is often said that the gospel is for the poor!   



John 1011, Luke 1324.   

Say a prayer for those who have misplaced their trust, those abused, and those hurting who suffered in the hands of hired hands; whatever their cleric titles. That they would be able to believe in the GOOD SHEPHERD of the Sheep and entrust their life to him (Jesus). And enter into eternity with Jesus the Messiah. Amen.   

Also, pray for yourself; 1 Corinthians 1012,   

It is my prayer that as we seek divine approval and commendation through the study of His Word, we enjoy the mystery destined for our glory.   

“What no eyes has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” 1Corinthains 29. Amen.   


© Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024



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