Day 294. 21st October Bible Commentary

Posted on 20th October, 2024

Day 294. 21st October Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of John And Luke. 


Fellow believers, we have come to a time in history where every believer must now beat their beast in a different way.   


LUKE 189-14   


“To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable” v.9.   

In this parable the Pharisee confidently horned his good works and commitments [fasting and tithing] to God in prayer, but, the tax collector (typically world-class sinners) beat his chest with face down humbly in prayers – asking for mercy.   

  • “but the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breasts and said, God have mercy on me, a sinner.” v.12).

Of the two the latter was justified by God. (v.14)   

  • There is no way corruption, injustice, inequality, in our world and even demonic practices could have thrived as it now has, if we have not openly or secretly endorsed such works. Silence is consent!


MARK 101-12, MATTHEW 191-12   


The people were crowding in as Jesus traveled into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. The Pharisees came also but to put him to test on a part of the law given by Moses –The Divorce Certificate – which gives legal rights and honour to a woman casts away by her husband.   

  • They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” Mk 102, “is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?” Mtt 193

He answered by referring them to the Laws of Moses which they are the experts in!   

  • And they answered “Moses permitted a man to write her a certificate of divorce and send her away” v.4.
  • He replied “the law was given because your hearts were hard” v.5.  

It is therefore not the original divine purpose or intention. It was meant to be a union inseparable, and undefiled – enjoying a divine arithmetic were 1+1=1, no longer two. Then he left the crowd and the Pharisees.   


During their recess in the house – The disciples asked him further on divorce he gave them this rule “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.” (v.11-12), same as he of his own accord mentioned earlier immediately after affirming The Laws and The Prophets (see Oct. 19, Day 292, Lk 1616-18).   

  • It is my submission therefore that Jesus has not abolished the Laws of Moses which redeems the woman from shame and abuse, but, restricted the rampant rate of putting away, divorcing. Placing confidence in our discipleship – commitment to him (being Christians) – people given a new heart and a new spirit (Holy Spirit) will exercise love beyond measure forgiving one another as he has forgiven us – FAITH!

MARK 1013-16, LUKE 1815-17, LUKE 1815-17   

Jesus welcomes and lays hands on the little children. We must celebrate the little children in church and in fellowship;“for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as this” Mk1014, Mtt 1914, Lk 1816.   


MARK 1017-31, MATTHEW 1916-30, LUKE 1818-30   


Jesus told the lovely rich man who submitted to him and publicly reverenced him, asking “Good teacher, what must I do so in inherit eternal life?” Mk 1017, Mtt 1916, Lk1818   


He asked Jesus for specifics (which he gave him Mk 1019, Mtt1918, Lk 1820 which are from the Spoken Words of God give to the people of God through Moses, and written on the tablet of stones: Feb 7, Day 38; Exodus 201-18 / March 13, Day 72; Deut 516-21,22) •              Interestingly he told Jesus he had fulfilled the laws.   

  • OK step up, become my disciple sell all you got, give it to the poor. This way “you will have treasure in heaven” v.21.

This was too hard for the man, “His face. He went away sad, because he had great wealth” v.22   


Then Jesus spoke the words which drive debates in many Bible study “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.” v.25.   

– Someone trusting in riches that is; – it is nearly impossible to be rich and not trust in your riches.   

At this his disciples (and those who heard him) asked a question of declaration “Who then can be saved?” Mk 1026, Mtt 1923, Lk 1826     

But Jesus encouraged them in very reassuring words “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God” v.27.   

  • It is of God to take us and welcome us into heaven – eternal life in his Kingdom.

Peter then found the courage to seek open approval! saying “we have left everything to follow you!” v.28.   

And Jesus declares life-satisfying truths; which we must focus on to have the tenacity to enjoy the earth and remain fit for take-up to heaven.   

“ ‘Truly I tell you, Jesus said to them ‘no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the Kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life” Mk 1029-30,31, Mtt 1829-30   

Also read the reunion dimension of rewards  Mtt 1928-30, Lk 1828-30, Mk 1031.   




  • “is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?” Mtt 193

It is important to notice that marriage was in different contexts in the ancient Israel when the Bill of Divorce came into Law. Men married from the same family, fellow Israelites, 'Equals' and some married slaves who then must be treated as daughters under the Marriage Laws (Marriage Rights). In any of this systemization, men had more public and domestic authority and power over women. And could put away their wife and marry another for any reason; including loss of attraction. And you can imagine that men misused the law; to such an alarming rate whereby they divorced for any and every reason. See Deut 241-4, 2110-14. This became worse in the era preceding Christ.   


—Exodus 217-10; The rules in Exodus became an act/law in Deuteronomy; therefore it becomes legally binding to simply put away - making the woman unsure or the public unsure of her status, or becoming stateless. It was therefore a bill to caution gender inequality, stigmatization, and abuse - it was and is justice and civilization.   

It is however important for Christian marriages to project genuine love, forgiveness, and faith to our dying world in this regard.   

Pray for your marriage, that you will be a shining light. Pray for your heart and your spouse' that it will remain yielded to the things of God in the marriage.   

If you are trusting God for remarriage or are divorcing ask for mercy and that you will find permanent peace in your remarriage, IJN Amen.   


© Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024



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