Day 298. 25th October Bible Commentary

Posted on 22nd October, 2024

Day 298. 25th October Bible Commentary With Dr. Toyin  Ojo Taken From The Book Of Matthew, Mark, And Luke.


Jesus continues to speak in parables, and a major part of his audience in today’s stories were Pharisees, Teachers of the Law, Elders, and Sadducees! They in fact join forces with Herodians in an attempt to trap him; you will agree that the persecution is getting fiercer.   

We also see how we become like angels in the hereafter/ resurrection.   


MATTHEW 2128-32   


Jesus likens them to the faith.  He sent them to work in the vineyard the one who initially did not agree to go did, but the other who promised to go didn’t.   

v.31 — He asked, “which of the two did what his father wanted?”.  They answered  

“The first.”   

  • To that extent, "the tax collectors and prostitutes have accepted the way of righteousness from John and entering the kingdom of God ahead of you." (v.31-32). Jesus declared to them what they have seen but do not give attention to.


MARK 121-12, MATTHEW 2133-34, LUKE 209-19   


Jesus spoke to them in a parable —    

A landowner planted a vineyard and invested in it; equipping it with all the machinery needed.  Then he rented the management to some farmers. He went to settle in a different town/village.   

During harvest, he sent a representative to collect some. But they beat him up, he sent another and even a group but they ill-treated all of them and killed some.   

Then he sent his only son and they killed him as well, as they became fierce with a desire to inherit the investment. (Mk 127-8)   

Jesus stated that the investor will ensure the death of those wicked farmers and give the vineyard to others. (Mk 129).   

Then he referred their hearts  to Psalm 11822,23 as he quotes from that old testament scripture to their hearing;   

“The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.” Mk 1210-11,Mtt 2142,Lk 2017 (Psalm 11822,23).   


The Chief Priest, Pharisees, and elders would arrest him knowing the parable was against them. But they could not because of the crowd present who enjoyed his teaching. Mk 1212   


MATTHEW 221-14   


Jesus spake yet another parable; were a king prepared a wedding banquet for his son and all the invited guests won’t turn up.  He in fact sent reminders but they mistreated and killed some of the servants sent!  Angry he sent his army to destroy the murderers and burnt down their city.   

He also had his servant invite those they find on the street “the bad as well as the good and the wedding hall was filled with guest.” Mtt 2210   

The king came to see the guests; he noticed one who was not in wedding clothes and he had him bond "hand and foot, and thrown out into darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (v.13-14).  We must therefore as believers be dressed and ready.   

  •   “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” 14.   


MARK 1213-17, MATTHEW 2215-22, LUKE 2020-26


The Pharisees and Herodians asked Jesus – setting a trap for him!  These are mean hypocrites – Jesus saw through their hearts and asked for a coin.   

v.16 — Questioning them he asked as he showed them the coin “What is this

image on it?” and “whose inscription?” They replied “Caesar’s”.   

v.17 — Therefore he told them “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and  

to God what is God’s’.  And they were amazed at him.”   


MARK 1218-27, MATTHEW 2223-33, LUKE 2027-40

THE SADDUCEES AND JESUS —  Those who do not believe in resurrection brought to him a dilemma so as to explain what then the fate of the woman is; “Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman and died childless. The second and then the third married her, and in the same way, the seven died, leaving no children. Finally, the woman died too. Now then, at the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?” Mk 1220-23   

The seven brothers had all married her as stipulated in the laws of Moses.   


Jesus told them “when the dead rise, they will neither marry non be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” Mk1225   

  • Therefore, there is heaven and we will be like angels there! The mystery is reviled.



Reflect further; on how life in heaven will be. Mk1225, Mtt 2230,Lk 2035-36.   

We are like angels in the hereafter, we can tell what we will be doing from the various scenes of heaven the bible exposes us to. Find some tonight in the book of Job 1, Psalms, Luke 1622-23, Revelations 52; to mention a few.


© Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024



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