Day 7. 7th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin Taken From Genesis Chapter 21-24.
AT ISAAC’S PARTY, SARAH SAW ISHMAEL the slave's (Hagar's) son MOCKING ISSAC. Afterwards, Sarah and Abraham sent them away.
GENESIS Chapters 21
211. Isaac was weaned and they threw him a party. Sarah became offended as she saw Ishmael Hagar's son; mock Isaac and she said to Abraham 'Cast off the slave and her son because her child shall not be heir with my son Isaac'. (2110).
v.11. Abraham was very distressed because it involved his son Ishmael but God intervened v.12 saying 'do not be distressed listen to whatever Sarah tells you because through Isaac your offspring shall be reckoned'.
v.14. Abraham Sent Hagar Away. And She wandered in the wilderness.
v.15-16. In anguish, without option, she left the child under a tree in a bushy part to die. v.17. God heard the child crying and the angel of the Lord called Hagar out of heaven, encouraging her: 'fear not God has heard the cry of the boy arise lift up the boy in your hands for I will make him into a great nation.
POINTS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What is the qualification for greatness? (2117-18 ; reveals this). And it is not the silver spoon or golden spoon birth. (Please reflect on this and disabuse your mind of the world's class and racial discrimination systems).
God opened her eyes and she saw a well because they were famished (v.19).
Ishmael grew and became an Archer; that is a successful Sports Man; athlete and he married from Egypt (his mother help him with this). v.20.
Would you think it okay for your mum to find you a wife? if not, why not? as a woman what role would you find convenient in your children's choice of a partner? I think that many women would be scared of further interference in the marriage. Parents involvement is not very common in this age, but it should not be feared but be properly managed with transparency. It could be a blessing in disguise. Parents and or family members should know when to let couples be, to flourish and blossom without interfering.
v.22-34. Abraham made a treaty with Abimelek; because the King Abimelech saw that God was with him. v.22. Abimelek's servants had seized Abraham's well and he complains to the King (v.25). He then gives seven (7) ewe lambs to the king for a witness/oath as he dug another well; and he called the name; BEERSHEBA meaning 'well of seven and well of oath. Abraham planted a grove tree and he named God;
- This is an ancient example of a modern-day binding agreement or SLA.
Chapter 221-24:
Isaac for a burnt offering; The Great Test of Faith.
'Sacrifice your only son ISAAC for a burnt offering'.
Abraham obeyed he took Isaac and would slay his son as commanded (v.10).
ISAAC worries and asked: 'Father where is the Ram to be offered?'. Abraham answered; THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.
Afterwards, Abraham was offering Isaac his son upon the altar like a ram (v.9);
But the angel of the Lord called out from heaven 'Abraham, Abraham.... do not lay thine hand upon the child, neither do thou anything unto him; now I know that you fear God, you have not withheld your son' ( v.11). Abraham looked up and saw a ram which he offered instead. v.12-13.
Are you a minister’s child feeling stress, anxiety and perhaps confused by the enormous weight of your parents commitment. Relax and do your best to cooperate, to continue to cooperate and the Almighty God will reward you and he will rescue you. Do your best to enjoy the journey!
Abraham called the place the Lord will provide - Jehovah Jireh. (v.14)
The Lord swore onto Abraham by himself. v.15-17 'The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven the second time and said 'I swear by myself declares the Lord that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me'.
Let's find inspiration from this verse on how to use our tongue for blessings our children.
v.1. Sarah dies at age 127, Abraham bought the choicest land and buried Sarah in Canaan, Terah Abraham's father died at age 205 in Harran and was buried where he lived. (1132).
Abraham gets Isaac a wife; Rebecca she was very beautiful and no man had ever slept with her, she was diligent, kind and hospitable. Abraham had sent his chief steward to find Isaac a wife from his own country and among his relatives. Abraham did not want his son to marry a Canaanite woman. The Steward prayerfully set out (v.12) and through divine leadership, events were orchestrated and he met Rebecca. (v.13-15), 2450-51. She gave him water and gave his camels too. He observed her and when she had finished, he gave her gifts; a gold nose ring and two gold bracelets. It happens that she is the daughter of Bethuel Milkah's son. v.24.
Rebecca led Abraham’s servant to her house and he was well received. He gave Rebecca more gifts of gold and expensive clothing. He also gave costly gifts to her brother and her mother. v.53. Rebecca agreed to go with him.v.57. And so they departed with a nurse and they blessed Rebecca. v.59. Christian men could learn the act of loving, and advancing properly into a lady's heart.
v.60. Prophetic blessings upon Rebecca as she departs!
v.62-65: Rebekah looked up and saw Isaac approaching and she got down from her camel. This is a symbol of humility and she asked who is this man in the field coming to us (v.64-65). The chief steward answered 'He is my master' and she took her veil and covered herself. v.65.
Isaac took her into his mother's tent and married her; he loved her and he was comforted after his mother's death. (v.67)
- Isaac reciprocated, accepting all his father’s plans and showing responsibility. The servant was equally very open to him (2466). Nothing fishing no grey areas. Therefore, plans and relationships work when we make them work. Abiding by principles and respecting one another.
The Role of Women in different dynamic ways.
Through the lens of Sarah the mother of many Nations, we see the unpleasant result of extramarital affairs. God would always favour the wife above the woman causing turbulence in the union.
Through the lens of Hagar. We need gender equality, women are faced with real life-impacting situations throughout the world. And providing for women and protecting their rights should not be secondary. Every woman is important and so is every child, protecting children's rights should be given priority, genuinely.
Through the lens of Rebekah, our systems should not be so corrupt such that there are no virgins in our societies altogether anymore [the church - (the body of Christ) -, homes, localities, schools, villages, communities, Nations, Continents, our World really]! We should continue to encourage and support the act of virginity, abstinence and even more so the very act of marriage between opposite sex.
PONDER ON JAMES 46 “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble".
© 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Dr. Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo.
Dr. Toyin
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