Day 19. 19th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin

Posted on 16th January, 2025

Day 19. 19th January Bible Commentary And Summary With Dr. Toyin Taken From The Book Of Job.  


JOB Chapters 1-4.

As we learn the story we receive grace and invoke the blessings.


Based on the information derived (Job chapter 11) Job lived in UZ which existed in the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob {(Genesis 1023) the Chronological Bible has therefore concluded and brought this record forward  ( for more details on this please see Pg.70 of the one year Chronological Bible NIV 1995, 2007} and some other events, books and chapters. The chronological sequence of biblical events I shall follow in this commentary and summary programme.

I welcome you; let’s do this together!




Job lived in this manner , in the land of UZ. He had ten (10) biological children ( 7 sons and 3 daughters). He was rich and the greatest man in the region (East).



v.4-5. His sons had their birthday celebrations and would invite their sisters to eat and feast together. As a custom Job made sacrifices to God for each of them after the feast; thinking they might have sinned against God.

  • The sacrifices were a thoughtful act, inspired by the consciousness of divine presence and fear of God. God's ominipresence acknowledged.



It was an angelic meeting with God, on a certain day as Angels presented themselves before God and Satan was among them v.6).

Conversation between God and Satan ...(v.7-12); God recommends Job.

Satan accuses Job! He would prove God wrong by afflicting Job — God allows him.



As the devil swung into action; Stroke, health complications,, Calamity—took everything Job had, including his 10 children ( he lost all in a day).  


Job said “naked I come naked I go ... the lord gave and the lord has taken away” v.20-22.  


Chapter 2:  

Satan accused Job again before God. And demanded to afflict him with a disease.

God allowed him but said ‘spare his life’.


Job maintained his integrity. His wife questioned this and advised him to “curse God and die” v.9.

Job told her she sounds like a foolish woman. What? Shall we accept good and not evil from Jehovah?

  • Therefore Job sinned not. (210).



v.11-13. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar heard of his misfortune and agreed to go see him. They were in a state of shock and began to weep as they saw him he was unrecognizable.

They tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads they sat on the ground in ashes with him ( you may think that that was also a precautionary act); for seven days and seven nights. They were all silent seeing how great his suffering was.


Silence is empowering. You'll find that their comforting presence had strengthened afflicted Job, with that boost he got the strength to lament in chapter 3. It is good to note that silence is more effective than words when ministering to the bereaved and aggrieved.



JOB CURSED HIS DAY OF BIRTH (v.1-26). After the seven days of silence, Job was the first to speak and that was what he did (cursing his d.o.b ).

  • Depressed he had become resentful of self.



His friend Eliphaz responded to that (v.2-21). His response I describe as a mix of praise, comforting words and spells of misery.

“You have comforted and strengthened people when calamity befell them but now trouble comes to you and you are discouraged; ......... Should not your piety be your confidence and your blamelessness your hope? (v.6)   ............. Can a mortal be more righteous than God? .....(v.17).



How do you respond in crisis and to crisis?


Not all recommendations and or suggestions are good? Consider the words of his wife! Job Chapter  29.


As we study further, we shall read what I think of as defiling questions his friends progressed with.


NIGHT: Wait, Obey and Trust God

“By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; Who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea” Psalm 655  

May the LORD God shield you, and put favourable boundary lines around you. Let him be Jehovah Omnipresent to you in every way IMNJ. Amen.


© 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Dr. Oluwatoyin Emiola Ojo.



Dr. Toyin


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