Complete Bible Commentary 2022
Reference: 112022GRPBK
You have the EDGE of a new START, with each new hour, week, month, and year! God in his Wholeness, Totality, Persons, decides to create; using unknown ability, and prowess of being the earth and all that it consists. There has been a lot of assumptions, research, into the fact th...
LEADERSHIP Business Partnering Love Life Our interconnected state of being and change will continue. Our awareness of what influence our living, subconsciousness, abilities and decisions require ownership. Our constructs, and what we focus on, how we develop, what we ponder, and our sense o...
The 21st Century A Daunting Privilege Living is an act. A world of emotions. A world of unending options. A roller coaster of eventualities. From High Streets to runways; to inexhaustible Phobia Jinx. Transphobia to morophobia, Xenophobia, povertyphobia to Gerontophobia. From Leaders to publi...
Pay and receive Flipbooks/eBooks within 10mins-2hrs of Payment The 21st Century A Daunting Privilege Second edition Living is an act. A world of emotions. A world of unending options. A roller coaster of eventualities. From High Streets to runways; to inexhaustible Phobia Jinx. ...
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